Sustainable Style,
for me & U

The world's first and only educational platform for 'consumers' interested in sustainable fashion and style.

Module 1: Reframing Your Mindset is now available by invitation. Please email us at to request an invite.
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About Reforme U

Welcome, you belong here!

Reforme U was started to tell awesome people like you the TRUTH about sustainable fashion and style. In Module 1 you'll learn how to:
  • Reframe your mindset & relationship with fashion
  • Live more confidently & authentically
  • Make the shift from consumer to citizen
  • Affect positive personal & systemic change
About Your Guide

Who you'll learn with

You'll learn with both a guide and the broader Reforme U community.

Your guide, known as T, graduated from Harvard College in 2009 after writing his honors thesis on the power of fashion and style. After graduating he spent 15 years researching the relationship between style and sustainability, which helped form the foundation for Reforme U.

T has worked with leading companies such as Opening Ceremony, Christian Dior, and Nike, and his unique perspective has been covered by publications such as The New York Times, Forbes, and Italian Vogue.

In addition to learning with T, you'll also have the option to continue learning alongside other community members, which will be facilitated by the Community page (accessible after you sign up/log in).
About Module 1: Reframing Your Mindset

What you'll learn

Key Terms

Words like "sustainable" are often greenwashed and vaguewashed, and terms like "fashion" and "style" are often conflated... So we'll define some key terms to lay a strong, clear foundation for learning and cultivating a healthy mindset.

The Power of Words

Words are powerful, which is why we need to clearly define them. In this section you'll also learn some powerful tools, including filtering, a sufficiency mindset, internal validation, and the power you have over other people's words.

Truths About Fashion

Fashion employs tools such as information asymmetry, perceived obsolescence, and trends in an attempt to control and manipulate us... But here you'll learn how to transcend fashion and focus on you and your style.

Your Power

Fashion does try to control and manipulate people, but fashion also gives us the means to become even more confident and authentic... In this section you'll learn even more solutions to become the most confident version of you.
About the Platform

What you'll get

Enhanced Learning

Videos illustrated by Mike Labrow, an enhanced transcript, a worksheet, and a Community to help you continue learning!

Community Access

Connect with and learn from others through private and semi-public communities designed to share ideas, resources, & feedback.


Reviews help bring focus to the key points, main takeaways, and the solutions that you want to implement for yourself.


Receive a certificate, with the option to help grow the movement by becoming a Sustainable Style Ambassador!

Testimonials from the Community

The course provided me with innovative ideas surrounding my relationship with fashion and my philosophy around personal style. These ideas helped me to develop a unique style philosophy that's compatible with environmental and personal wellness.
— Autumn Lucas
This course provides a practical understanding to how a citizen can contribute to revolutionizing fashion as a whole through style while enhancing your sense of individuality and confidence.
— Veronica Apsan
I have to say - this is so amazing! This is truly a perfect blend of accessible, evidence-based, and meeting people where they are while also pushing them progressively forward.
— Michelle Gabriel
This module was so useful in explaining the foundations of a truly sustainable approach to style, dress, and fashion. Redefining “sustainability” for the consumer is such an important but neglected (or intentionally misrepresented) topic. Everyone has something to learn!
— Austin Tuan
The course was easy to follow along with, encouraging, fun, and informative!
— JeLisa Marshall
Can't recommend it highly enough!
— Will Davison
I LOVE the look and feel of it. Super sleek design and easy to navigate modules.
— Tiana Day
Love the videos and animation. Excellent emphasis on the importance of the shift from a consumer to citizen mindset. The examples mentioned in the "Your Power" section are actionable and give a listener immediate action items, which is important.
— SP
I found it profound as it addresses fundamental and unquestioned assumptions about the industry. In addition to tackling the inconvenient / hard truths about the industry, it also reframes the individual's relationship to fashion (style); I think this mindset or approach to enduring change has been underrated.
— Alicia Teo
What I love about the course is that it impacts the root source of it all… That you can do a lot with what you already have rather than buy anything new. You are enough! And you don't need new clothes to be beautiful.
— Trish Hao
About the Community

Who this is for

Anyone who wears clothes

If you wear clothes then this is for you! This course will help you feel more confident and authentic while also saving time, money, and the environment!

Anyone who cares about the planet

If you care about the environment then this is the only fashion-related course you need to take! No greenwashing here, just real solutions for personal and systemic transformation!

People working on their personal style and confidence

If you're working on your personal style and/or confidence then this course will get you there! This course will show you exactly how to become more empowered and confident, without breaking the bank or harming the environment!

Young people in high school, college, and early career

If you're a young person and you're starting to build your lifelong wardrobe then this is for you! Learn how to cultivate a positive mindset and relationship with fashion in order to build a high-quality, personal wardrobe that you'll love!


How is this course different to other fashion / sustainability courses?

Most sustainable fashion courses are made for fashion designers to learn how to design sustainable garments, but no one is teaching "consumers" about true sustainability in fashion... Instead, we're being "educated" by brands and the industry, which means the information we receive is biased, incomplete, and specifically designed to get us to buy more stuff (which isn't sustainable).

Similarly, most personal styling courses push people to buy more stuff so that they feel like there is some sort of change or result... And although this course is similarly focused on change, Reforme U won't pressure you to buy more stuff in order to become the best version of yourself, because you don't need things to be "better" or fulfilled... You just need a different perspective and the Truth.

When does the course start and finish? How long will it take to complete?

The course is self-paced, and you may take as long as you need to complete it.

The videos for Module 1 are about 30 minutes in duration, total. However, there is additional content, including short surveys and reviews, that may take about 5-10 additional minutes to complete.

I'm relatively "new" to fashion, is this course for me?

YES, this course is especially for you!!

But this isn't your typical fashion course... This isn't about designers or trends or the industry, it's all about YOU!

I'm a fashion expert, so why would I take this course?

That's awesome!

Fashion has given us so much, but as an expert you know that we need to make some changes... So this course offers a very different perspective on fashion, style, and sustainability. This is the first "demand-side" solution on the market, and a bold new strategy for personal and systemic transformation through short-form education.

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Our Patrons

Thank you to all of our patrons for  supporting Reforme U!

Alec Azam
Alice Hill
Allan Jean-Baptiste
Amber Mizerak
Andrew Wilcox
Angela Gao
Arda Onal
Art Abal
Athena Lao
Bethany Jones
Bev Hardy
Blessing Oyeniyi
Bob Eng
Challen Zhou
Charleton Lamb
Christina Xu
Christine Parent
Christopher Lo
Clotilde Dedecker
Courtney Kimmel
Dan Carroll
Daniel Miller
Daniel Nikolov
Debra Langley
Erica Birmingham
Gemma A. Williams
Hannah Motley Patterson
Hee-Won Cho
Holly Crews
Holly Gilbertson
Huei-Ching Hsu
Ian Hylton
Iris Chan
Ivy Lee
Jalen Daniels
Jane Chance
JB Andreani
Jerome Boyd-Kirkup
Johnny Williams
Kara Hollis
Kate Sheldon
Kate Wang
Katherine Batson
Katie Littlefield Castelino
Kitty Dong
Kitty Yeung
Linda Corrado
Mallika Marshall
Margaret Wang
Maria Guadalupe Ramirez
May Lan Alexander
Maya Frommer
Molly DeWolf Swenson
Neil Brown
Nick Buckley Wood
Omar A
Otis Rack
Paul Katz
PT Black
Richard Hsu
Rick Menchaca
Ruben Davis
Ryan Curtis
Sandee Koch
Santiago Dañino Beck
Serdar Türkoglu
Sonia Dara
The Hopenclass
The Stacks
Tiffany Wang
Todd Harple
Tom Keen
Yi Guo
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